The BEST way to eat leftover roast.
This is one of our favorites! It’s so yummy, and juicy! Oh my I can’t think about this sandwich & not salivate!😂 With that, let’s dive right in!
-roast meat
-pepper jack cheese
- bread (we used white bread)
1. Butter up that bread people! The whole thing, covered to the crust!
*I like using a toaster oven but a pan would work too! I have no idea the temp I used, I just watch it!
2. Flip one piece of bread over onto your pan. (No heat yet!)
3. Add mustard & then a slice of pepper jack.
4. Following the cheese place as much meat as you’d like, next!
5. Then place thinly sliced tomatoes on top of the meat! (I used 2 slices!)
6. Place on another slice of pepper jack then the mayo and place the other slice of bread on top! Simple enough yeah?
7. Place in pan or toaster oven! *if using a toaster oven, flip halfway through to crisp up both sides of bread!
If you try it, let us know what you think!🤎
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