One of THE BEST period products!

Published on 22 February 2024 at 10:30

That's right, you heard me! Easily one of the best period products out there! First I just want to say I am a free bleeder! Now stay with me here, for me that means I prefer using period underwear in place of period products BUT that does not mean i don't use period products! Let's be honest life goes on regardless of if your on your cycle or not! When I'm at home I prefer using period underwear, but if I'm participating in a sport or swimming I like to use aka THE BEST period product! Reason being I generally feel more secure when playing sports and you're obviously wearing a swimsuit of some kind if your going swimming.


Let's get to it, introducing THE BEST period product!

Flex Discs!! I will tag the link at the bottom! 

When I tell you Flex has exceeded female expectations in the period department I am so not kidding! The technology behind this product is insane and it literally blows my mind EVERY time I wear one! Let me explain, this disc is 12 hour wear! That in and of itself is amazing and so convenient, now I KNOW you're thinking no way, that can't be done my periods are so heavy that's not going to work for me! This is where the amazing technology come in! The disc itself sits above/behind your pubic bone *mind blown* *gasp* no lie! Listen, when you go to the bathroom & if you bear down on your pubic bone the disc tilts downwards emptying the disc and when you stand, push the disc back into place!


Ya'll when I say Flex discs have changed the period game, I mean it! Not only is Flex convenient but also comfortable! I don't even feel like I'm my period when I wear these! They reduce my cramping like you wouldn't believe! Using these is literally a flex!  I started wearing flex in high school and since then the company has evolved and come out with a reusable disc! The Flex company has in depth instructions on how to insert and take out on their website! As always stay safe ladies I hope they help you! Best part you can also get them on amazon!! Here's the paid link below!


*If you'd like to check out the company's website along with their insertion instructions I'll link at the bottom of this page!

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