A decades old mantra

Published on 12 February 2024 at 20:22

Growing up my father had a mantra we would all say every morning together! 

It went like this:


I’m a winner!

I’m a go getter!

I am strong!

I can do hard things!

*and more, unfortunately I can’t remember all of it because one day we just stopped. Sad, I know… life gets busy.


As I look back on those days of us screaming our mantra in the kitchen I remember how light & fluffy those days felt & how heavy the days seemed to drag when we stopped. I know now more than ever that having a solid mantra in your life, can quite literally CHANGE your life!


only you can mold who you want to be! chase it! you have the power to change the world, I know my dad has & it all started with his mantra! 🌿

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